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St. Ignatius College Prep App 3.1
The St. Ignatius Mobile App gives alumni,prospective students, faculty, parents and current students all theinfo they want at their finger tips. Users easily get athleticinformation, current event updates, or alerts from St. Ignatius atany time. St. Ignatius is a Catholic Jesuit high school in Chicago.Alumni will enjoy staying in touch and getting up-to-dateinformation on current events and fund raisers.
FMS 2014 Forum Conference App 5.7
The FMS 2014 Forum Conference App. Use thisapp to access program materials and other related informationbefore, during and after The 2014 Forum.
CSRS 2013 Mobile 2.1
CSRS 2013 Mobile brought to you by theCervical Spine Research Society is your up-to-the-minute resourcefor the latest techniques, research, controversies and technologiesin cervical spine care. The app has been specifically designed toimprove your experience and maximize your time at our 2013signature events, the18th Instructional Course and 41st AnnualMeeting in Los Angeles, California.Programming will include high quality, original, and clinicallyrelevant content that has been organized to engage and enlighten,and to provide attendees with the strategies and skills necessaryfor your professional development.Search the abstracts, interact with the session moderators,access available handouts and browse the entire event schedule allin a mobile device friendly format. This new application willprovide enhanced networking opportunities, exhibitor information,faculty rosters and real time messaging for announcements and lastminute changes.
UMHI Heckerling Institute 7.2.23
University of Miami School of Law, HeckerlingInstitute on Estate Planning Conference App
AOFAS Mobile
AOFAS Mobile allows users to interactwithAOFAS to learn more about the American Orthopaedic Foot &AnkleSociety. Users can locate educational offerings, viewannualmeeting information, access FootCareMD, link topublicationsincluding FAI (Foot & Ankle International) andIn~Stridenewsletter, and donate to the Orthopaedic Foot &AnkleFoundation.
ALA 2015 Events 7.2.6
The ALA Events app offers easy info aboutALA’sBusiness of Law and Specialty conferences. Optimize yourexperiencewith scheduling options and get news and updates duringevery event.Review agendas, locate sessions, search speakers,create yourschedule, access handouts, take notes, find exhibitorsand more. Wemake it easy to stay connected to fellow attendees andmake the mostof your conference experience. For all aspects of theBusiness ofLaw, ALA (Association of Legal Administrators)conferences providecrucial education and networking to furtheryour business. ALAoffers general events in Portland, Chicago, FortWorth andPhiladelphia, plus specialty conferences for HumanResources,Intellectual Property, Large Firm PrincipalAdministrators, andCorporate Law Administrators. All events aredesigned to provide theresources necessary for legal managers inany law office, whether alaw firm, corporate law office orgovernment law office.
ASLMS 7.0.8
The American Society for Laser Medicine&Surgery, Inc. (ASLMS) mobile app is designed to enhanceeventattendance for members and prospective members includingclinicalpractitioners, industry professionals and researchers, inadditionto media persons and others with an interest in lasers andotherenergy based technologies.The ASLMS is the world's largest scientificorganizationdedicated to promoting research, education and highstandards ofclinical care in the field of medical laserapplications. Itprovides a forum for the exchange of scientificinformation andparticipates in communicating the latestdevelopments in lasermedicine and surgery to clinicians, researchinvestigators,government and regulatory agencies, and thepublic.Founded in 1980, ASLMS membership now includes physiciansandsurgeons representing more than 50 medical specialties. TheSocietyhas more than 3,500 members, of which, approximately 20%areinternational.Member benefits include a subscription to Lasers in SurgeryandMedicine, the official journal of the ASLMS, significantdiscountson event registrations, 24-hour access to an onlinemembershipdirectory, and membership in a multidisciplinary body ofknowledgethat has and will continue to enhance patient care, justto name afew.
One AO Multispecialty Meeting 5.53
One AO–Sharing Knowledge and Excellencewilltake place February 5-7, 2014 in Las Vegas, NV. Thisunique,scientific meeting capitalizes on the strength and diversityof AONorth America’s clinical divisions incraniomaxillofacial,orthopedic trauma, spine, neurosurgery, andveterinary surgery. OneAO will bring together surgeons, fellows andresidents to shareknowledge, recent advances in research, and bestpractices. Topicsof mutual interest and scientific sessions will beprovided toaddress issues and challenges that are unique to eachspecialty yetshare similarities. This meeting is the first of itskind to bringtogether, from diverse specialties, people who sharethe same goalsof improving the care of their patients (animal andhuman) withmusculoskeletal diseases and disorders.
CMA Mobile App 1.5
Mobile App for the Council ofManufacturingAssociationsThis Mobile App for the Council of ManufacturingAssociationsbrings CMA members the latest CMA news and leadershipconferenceinfo. The NAM's CMA is made up of more than 200manufacturing tradeassociations that work together on behalf ofmanufacturing in theUnited States. Through their membership, theNational Associationof Manufacturers (NAM) provides knowledge,resources and a greatnetwork to help these association CEOs createa stronger and moreprosperous manufacturing sector. The CMArepresents every part ofmanufacturing in the United States andbroadens the reach andimpact of our industry’s advocacyefforts.
ALA Annual 2015 Conference 7.1
The ALA Annual Conference app offers easyinfoabout ALA’s 2015 Annual Conference & Expo and theFinanceConference for the Legal C-Suite. Optimize your experiencewithscheduling options and get news and updates during theevent.Review agendas, locate sessions, search speakers, createyourschedule, access handouts, take notes, find exhibitors andmore. Wemake it easy to stay connected to fellow attendees and makethemost of your conference experience. For all aspects of theBusinessof Law, ALA’s (Association of Legal Administrators)AnnualConference provides crucial education and networking tofurtheryour business. This event is designed to provide theresourcesnecessary for legal managers in any law office, whether alaw firm,corporate law office or government law office.
PMI Plumbing Manufacturers Int 1.4
The Plumbing Manufacturers International(PMI)mobile app is designed to assist Policy Makers,IndustryProfessionals, Members, Prospective Members, Media Personsandothers with an interest in the Plumbing Industry withaccurate,trustworthy and vital information about important issuesinplumbing and to share updates about PMI events and breaking news.PMI is an industry association of plumbing productsmanufacturersand suppliers. Its member companies produce most ofthe nation’splumbing products. The association functions as asounding board forits members, a source for industry and marketinformation, and as acoordinating and decision-making body fordealing with industryissues. It is active in many arenas as itadvocates on behalf ofmanufacturers, helps develop and maintainstandards and codes, andworks closely with government agencies atall levels – federal,state and local.Membership in PMI is open to manufacturers of plumbingindustryproducts including potable water supply system components,fixturefittings, waste fixture fittings, fixtures, flushingdevices,sanitary drainage system components, and plumbingappliances, whichare marketed and sold within the territoriallimits of the NAFTAcountries. Allied membership is also extended tosuppliers,certifiers and others as outlined.PMI’s Vision:Safe, responsible Plumbing. Always.PMI’s Mission:To promote the water efficiency, health, safety, qualityandenvironmental sustainability of plumbing products whilemaximizingconsumer choice and value in a fair and openmarketplaceTo provide a forum for the exchange of information andindustryeducationTo represent openly the members’ interests and advocate forsoundenvironmental and public health policies intheregulatory/legislative processesTo enhance the plumbing industry’s growth and expansion
The State of the Art: Facial ReconstructionandTransplantation Symposium is a three day Advanced Symposium/CMEevent. This advanced course and social program will take placeatthe luxurious Conrad Hotel located in the middle of thefinancialdistrict in New York City from May 15th through the 17thof 2015.The symposium Chairman, Eduardo D. Rodriguez, MD, DDS, hasinvited42 of the most internationally acclaimed faculty to discusstheirproven experience with conventional, advanced and themostinnovative techniques of facial reconstruction for some of themostdifficult problems.Our distinguished faculty include Bernard Devauchelle,SydneyColeman, Peter Cordeiro, Neal Futran, Joe Gruss, GG Hallock,GlennJelks, Laurent Lantieri, Paul Manson, Joe McCarthy, FredMenick,Julian Pribaz, Alexander Schramm, Charlie Thorne, MarkUrata, MarkUrken, Robert Walton, Fu Chan Wei, Tony Wolfe, and BarryZide, tomention a few.The format will include short lecture sessions with livelypaneldiscussions with interactive audience participation. Wealsowelcome challenging cases from participants for discussionamongstour panel of experts.The Symposium is directly provided by AO North America (AONA)Symposium Description:The majority of high-energy Craniomaxillofacial traumaticoroncologic defects are composite, involving the skin, skeleton,andmucosa. Successful reconstruction restores facial projectionandlays the foundation for functional rehabilitation. Humanfacialtransplantation has become a reality and holds tremendouspromisefor severely disfiguring Craniomaxillofacialdeformities.The focus of this course will be on aesthetic andfunctionalreconstruction of the craniofacial hard and soft tissue.Thedistinguished faculty will discuss reconstruction for bony, aswellas, soft tissue reconstruction of the face and skull. Thecoursewill be advanced and problem oriented with an emphasis onthenewest techniques, planning and imaging. The format willincludelectures and panel discussions to facilitateaudienceparticipation.May 15 – 17, 2015New York CityConrad HotelChaired by Eduardo D. Rodriguez, MD, DDS
ASDS Member App 7.2.22
The American Society for DermatologicSurgeryis recognized as the premier specialty grouprepresentingdermatologic surgeons performing all procedures –cosmetic,general, reconstructive and Mohs. The ASDS supports itsmore than5,700 members through educational opportunities,networking forums,mentoring programs, public relations and brandinginitiatives,leadership activities and advocacy efforts (through theASDSA).The Society’s leading educational event – the ASDS AnnualMeeting– features the most significant research and latesttechniques forcosmetic, general, reconstructive and Mohsprocedures. Brimming withopportunities, the ASDS Annual Meetingallows dermatologic surgeonsand dermatologists to stay on thecutting edge of their specialtywith more than 65 scientificsessions.
St. Paul PR 7.2.23
This App will help both parishionersandvisitors stay connected with St. Paul of the Cross RomanCatholicChurch in Park Ridge, Illinois. You will have access to ourMassschedules, current news and events, and our parish calendar. Ifyouare new or if you are interested in finding out more aboutbecomingCatholic, we have the necessary information. Our app hasmanyresources to help you pray including Mass readings in audioandtext.
TAtech Connect
TAtech Connect is your dynamic mobile tool for interacting with theAssociation for Talent Acquisition Solutions and its membership.Users can access industry news updates, TAprose blog entries, thelatest TAtech publications and media, and detailed information onTAtech’s annual and upcoming events. Event attendees can alsoconnect with TAtech’s Deal Center in order to request or confirmmeetings, and manage their personalized event schedules. TAtech isthe place for thought leadership and collaboration in the talentacquisition solutions industry. Each year, the Association conductsmultiple conferences in North America and Europe and surveys keysegments of the industry. It supports Working Groups on industrydefinitions and standards and operates a dedicated center for theexploration of B2B partnerships and alliances. It publishesoriginal content on trending industry topics and curates contentfrom other HR/TA sources. And, it monitors the policies ofgovernmental and regulatory agencies and presents the views of itsmembers to decision-makers and influencers. TAtech gives talentacquisition solutions providers a voice, an advocate, a home. It istheir trade association.
ACG Denver 5.58
Looking to have ACG Denver in the palm of your hand? The updatedACGDenver App provides mobile access to all of ACG DenverChaptercollateral. This includes all the details to their signatureevent,the annual Rocky Mountain Corporate Growth Conference.Ifapplicable, those with access to the Dealsource Lounge will beableto navigate their personal scheduling tool on theirphone.Additionally, the app provides the opportunity to keepup-to-datewith ACG Denver events. Information such as dates anddetails areat your fingertips. Finally, the app works as apass-through toyour MyACG account – so you can access and engage atwhatever levelyou wish on the go!
ACG Toronto 9.1.0
ACG Toronto represents leading investment sector organizationsinCanada’s largest financial market. ACG Toronto hosts a seriesof25+ conferences and events and provide opportunitiesfornetworking, deal opportunities, industry knowledge andresearch.The ACG Toronto app will allow you to engage and connectwithattendees, sponsors, exhibitors and deal-makers at theCapitalConnection Conference and DealSource. A feature of the app,is theDealSource Scheduler, which allows you to connect withotherdeal-makers. A password-protected login directs you to theonlineplatform where you can update and review your appointments –allfrom your mobile device.
ACG Minnesota 10.9.0
ACG Minnesota Chapter Info
AAG App Hub 5.50
Mobile Event Guide for AAG App Hub
ACG Maryland 10.6.0
Connect with other dealmakers in real time. Apassword-protectedlogin directs you to the online platform whereyou can update yourprofile, arrange meetings and review yourappointments – All fromyour mobile device.
St. Paul PR 5.70
Mobile Event Guide for St. Paul PR
AAPM Annual Meeting 2021 5.77.1
An extensive guide to the American Academy of Pain Medicine’s37thAnnual Meeting, April 23-25, and May 1st 2021. Conference thisyearis being conducted by Virtual Platform. Plan yourschedule,navigate the meeting space, take session notes, learnaboutspeakers and exhibitors, and connect with fellowmeeting-goers.